ハリ&エイジングケアの乳液 抗炎症効果のあるオオヤマレンゲエキス配合 肌ダメージを修復してメラニンの生成を抑えます メキシカンワイルドヤムがお肌のハリを高めます エラスチンの合成を促すツボクサエキス配合 シワや小じわを目立たなくします 色素沈着を防いでホワイト二ング効果をもたらすアルブチン配合 なめらかで弾力のある、明るいお肌をもたらします product features: with the high technology patented anti-wrinkle hexapeptide magnolia plant extract and ceramide hydrating essence. it offers a large number of water supply for skin softens skin constructs the protective barrier to defense external stimulation. prevention of dry and sensitive skin keeps the skin tight and elastic also helps the absorption of follow-up procedures. how to use: - suitable for all skin types especially those who want to moisturize skin or improve dry and tight skin - use every morning and evening after cleansing the face 内容量 : 100ml 製造国 : ??
ハリ&エイジングケアの乳液 抗炎症効果のあるオオヤマレンゲエキス配合 肌ダメージを修復してメラニンの生成を抑えます メキシカンワイルドヤムがお肌のハリを高めます エラスチンの合成を促すツボクサエキス配合 シワや小じわを目立たなくします 色素沈着を防いでホワイト二ング効果をもたらすアルブチン配合 なめらかで弾力のある、明るいお肌をもたらします product features: with the high technology patented anti-wrinkle hexapeptide magnolia plant extract and ceramide hydrating essence. it offers a large number of water supply for skin softens skin constructs the protective barrier to defense external stimulation. prevention of dry and sensitive skin keeps the skin tight and elastic also helps the absorption of follow-up procedures. how to use: - suitable for all skin types especially those who want to moisturize skin or improve dry and tight skin - use every morning and evening after cleansing the face
内容量 : 100ml
製造国 : ??