This hop-up set is made by CNC process. It is modified for: 1) enhance the hop-up performance, 2) improve the preciseness shooting, 3) steadily holding BB in standby mode, 4) stabilize the inner barrel during firing, 5) strengthen construction, 6) improve air-tightness in the set. Moreover, high grade BB with 0.3g or heavier is recommended to achieve better performance. メーカー希望小売価格はメーカーカタログに基づいて掲載しています JAN 4968861114570 メーカー型番 04206
M40A5 (VFC) Enhanced Hop-up set
Material:AluminiumWeight:10 g
This hop-up set is made by CNC process. It is modified for:
1) enhance the hop-up performance,
2) improve the preciseness shooting,
3) steadily holding BB in standby mode,
4) stabilize the inner barrel during firing,
5) strengthen construction,
6) improve air-tightness in the set.
Moreover, high grade BB with 0.3g or heavier is recommended to achieve better performance. メーカー希望小売価格はメーカーカタログに基づいて掲載しています
JAN 4968861114570
メーカー型番 04206