Japanese green tea. Houjicha tea leaf This Houjicha is made in Uji (Kyoto), Marukyu-Koyamaen, which has been producing the finest tea in Japan.Japanese tea. Roasted green tea ,Houjicha tea leaf This Houjicha is made in Uji (Kyoto), Marukyu-Koyamaen, which has been producing the finest tea in Japan. green tea, gyokuro, matcha, macha,Japanese tea, japanease green tea,japanease gyokuro,uji tea,ryokucya,sencya,sencha,tea leaves
This Houjicha is made in Uji (Kyoto), Marukyu-Koyamaen, which has been producing the finest tea in Japan.Japanese tea. Roasted green tea ,Houjicha tea leaf
This Houjicha is made in Uji (Kyoto), Marukyu-Koyamaen, which has been producing the finest tea in Japan.
green tea, gyokuro, matcha, macha,Japanese tea, japanease green tea,japanease gyokuro,uji tea,ryokucya,sencya,sencha,tea leaves