パーカーポイント: 94点 予想される飲み頃:2006 - 2016 The 2004 Chardonnay shows that wonderful liquified rockiness, as if someone took a couple of boulders, threw them in a Cuisinart, and was able to extract some liquid, interwoven with tangerine oil, nectarine, quince, pear, and popcorn and honey. Quite layered, full-bodied, but with terrific acidity and vibrancy, this is a sensational Chardonnay that is set for 8-10 years of life. (168, The Wine Advocate 26th Dec 2006)
シャルドネはカーネロスの類まれなる二人の栽培家「リー・ハドソン」と「ラリー・ハイド」が栽培する「ウエンテ・クローン」の究極のコラボレーションです。 ナパ・ヴァレーの最南端、冷たいサン・パブロ湾からの霧と冷気の影響を多く受け、冷涼な気候で知られるカーネロスのナパ・ヴァレー側に位置する二つの有名な畑からこのワインは造られます。入荷後すぐに完売してしまう、コングスガードの創業時から作り続けている代表作。その生産量は年産約1000ケース程度。
予想される飲み頃:2006 - 2016
The 2004 Chardonnay shows that wonderful liquified rockiness, as if someone took a couple of boulders, threw them in a Cuisinart, and was able to extract some liquid, interwoven with tangerine oil, nectarine, quince, pear, and popcorn and honey. Quite layered, full-bodied, but with terrific acidity and vibrancy, this is a sensational Chardonnay that is set for 8-10 years of life.
(168, The Wine Advocate 26th Dec 2006)
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